Why Should We Volunteer?

İ. Işık Handan
3 min readJun 14, 2021

What is volunteering?

Photo by Alex Mecl on Unsplash

Let’s start this journey with the answer to this first.

Although volunteering is defined as working voluntarily in a job, those who work in non-governmental organizations are perceived as volunteers in our society. Because the principle of working voluntarily is one of the basic elements of the existence of non-governmental organizations. The simplest definition of volunteers is that they do not demand any wages or earnings for the work they do. Volunteering is the state of volunteering. Volunteering is an important concept for the spiritual strengthening of the social structure. Volunteers are of great importance in cases of national disasters, community development projects. It provides individuals with qualities such as knowledge, experience, energy, tolerance, sharing, professional approach, and taking responsibility.

Although individuals do not expect any gain in volunteering, their greatest gains are the competencies they acquire.

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

So Why Should We Volunteer?

Knowing why we don’t volunteer is more important to us than knowing why we want to volunteer. Because we can volunteer without any reason, without any expectations, but when we examine why we do not volunteer, it is seen that there are mostly important reasons. Here are the most common of these reasons:

  • We don’t want to take responsibility or feel dependent.
  • No one asked us if we would volunteer.
  • We don’t believe there is anything we can do.
  • We do not have a sense of “volunteering” or such a habit/tradition may not exist in our environment.
  • We fear that it will incur additional costs and we overestimate these costs.
Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

What Are the Benefits of Volunteering?

As can be expected and mentioned, volunteering actions have a lot of benefits both to the individual and to the society. If we talk a little about these, the benefits of volunteering to the person himself; It can be stated as being able to look at people and the environment more sensitively, gaining teamwork, motivation and motivating and communication skills. If the benefits of voluntary movements are mentioned to the society, volunteering is considered as social assistance as well as helping people, and volunteering is an indispensable factor for a healthy development of the society.

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Volunteering basically;

It is a very important factor in the development of social relations between people in society, in the formation of value judgments, in increasing social awareness and entrepreneurship, and in offering different solutions to social problems.

If we do any job wholeheartedly, we will immediately grow and succeed.



İ. Işık Handan

Push it ‘till you can and then demand more